Monday, April 19, 2010

Activities - 19th - 20th of April

Create an account in at least one of these Web 2.0 applications: Slideshare or YouTube. You can see the links above and watch the videos and presentations on the right for instructions. Remember that when you follow the instructions from YouTube video, you can click Pause, do the things instructed and then go on.

1. Make a short powerpoint- or pdf-presentation with 3-4 slides presenting the eTwinning project you planned with your group.
2. Upload the presentation on SlideShare just to test the tool.


3. Make a short 30 sec. video. Present yourself and your eTwinning project idea. Basically, it can just be to say hello.
4. Upload the video to YouTube. You can use your digital camera or webcam to make the video.
5. Embed your video or your slideshow on your blog. (When you have uploaded the video/slideshow, copy the embedding code, click new entry on your blog, click html/code/<>, paste the code, save.)
6. Remember to go and check your group's blogs for the presentations and videos. And leave a comment. That's always fun.


1. If you don't yet have an account in Flickr or Picasa, register in one of them, upload photos and create an album called eTwinning Learning Lab. It can only have a couple of photos.
2. Publish the link to your Picasa or Flickr album on your blog.

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