Wednesday, April 28, 2010

On eTwinning 5th Anniversary

The pupils of the 5th class C from "Liviu Rebreanu" School, Mioveni Town, Romania are glad to celebrate eTwinning 5th anniversary with their school partners from all the European countries involved in their projects on different topics.

Vezi mai multe video din Evenimente

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Activities - 22nd of April

This is your last day in this Learning Lab, so no more time-consuming tasks. This is the time to think back and reflect on your own learning and evaluate this Learning lab.

1. Check that you've accomplished all your tasks.

2. Write in the reflections and evaluation FORUM (optional):

* which activity was the most interesting
* which tools seem most useful for your projects
* any other comments on this Learning event

3. Fill in the evaluation questionnaire. It'll help me and the other tutors of the Learning events to developing these events so that they better suit different teachers' needs.

4. Give your vote and reply to the survey of two questions.

5. Try the web 2.0 tools for fun. Your students will love them: learn and enjoy!

Last Instructions

To get your final certificate you will have to accomplish the assigned tasks and activities. Use the checklist below to check you've finished everything.

1. You have written your introduction in the Forum.
2. You have rated and commented the video on the welcome page and given your vote in some of the polls.
3. You have formed a group of 2-3 participants in eTwinning Group Wiki (Wikispaces).
4. You have created your own bookmark page in Delicious or Diigo and linked it to your blog.
5. You have created your own Blog for this Learning event. You have written there a short post about this Learning event and added a picture.
6. You have created a Google calendar and linked it to your blog.
7. You have created a project plan in Google docs collaboratively with your group and published it or a link to it in your Blog.
8. You have added a link to your YouTube video or SlideShare presentation or Flickr/Picasa photos in your Blog. You've embedded one presentation or video in your blog as well.
9. You have created a mindmap (together with your group) about Web 2.0, eTwinning and collaboration.
10. You have filled in the evaluation questionnaire.
Wow, a lot of work!

If you have finished 8 of the above mentioned 10 tasks, you've earned your certifica

Tips for web tutors

The teacher's role is crucial before the actual learning process has started. It's the partner teachers' shared responsibility to schedule the learning process, choose and provide appropriate tools, set the goals and plan the procedure. After that the focus should be on the learners.

* Teacher is a guide on the path students are walking. She/he let's the students walk independently, encourages and supports, helps in crisis, but keeps distance.
* At the beginning the teachers' responsibility is bigger, but towards the end, the students should take responsibility of their own learning and of the process/project.
* When the students face problems, they should first try to solve them themselves and be involved in the problem solving process from the beginning.
* One of the most common mistakes is that the teacher/tutor talks too much and/or imposes her/his own ideas very strongly.
* In learning the process is much more important than the end product.
* Mistakes are an essential part of a learning process and often a very effective way to learn. They're nothing to be afraid of.
* When given the goal and support and appropriate tools, students usually come up with amazingly creative solutions.
* Project learning is always as much learning to learn as learning the actual subject matter.